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Girls Under 13's

\r\n \r\n

Our team ethos is to focus on long term player development based on the 4 corners of the FA’s model, developing a player psychologically, socially, tactically and technically.


We encourage our players to have a go in all positions throughout the season so they learn the importance of each role within the team and how they need to work together in order to progress. Research has shown that this ethos develops a strong player with an embedded love of football as a game and as a team sport.


Every team has Managers, Coaches or Assistants who are either FA or UEFA qualified. In addition all staff are CRC checked with at least one First Aid qualified member present at all times.


Team Information

Age Range
School Year 8, DoB 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Helen Burrough
\r\n Neil Dodds
Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm on the Astro at AWMC
Westriding Girls League
Join the team
Team Sponsor
\r\n \r\n

The Refilling Station. Specialist food shop

\r\n View Sponsor\r\n
\r\n );\r\n}\r\n\r\n"],"sourceRoot":""}